
OMG (that's for Robby)

Molly had her ENT appt today, and it went extremely well.

She tried on a BAHA - a bone anchored hearing aid. Hers happens to be worn on a stretchy headband because she isn't old enough to implant it where is needs to sit permenantly. It was just a test run to see how she would do with it, but boy did she do FANTASTIC !!

She changed immediately after the turned that little thing on. Lively and happy and friendly and active. It was nothing short of a miracle. We could tell right away that she could hear better, she clapped and danced and raced around in her little stiff legged hobble she does. She didn't try to fiddle with it once, and by the look on her face it opened up an entire world to her.

We are overjoyed.

Now we need to find a way to pay for it, blue cross doesn't cover it, although we have done a bit of research online and have found out that occasionally they do cover it with the right wording and circumstances, so hopefully we can 'work the system' to get this done for her quickly. Otherwise it will be a long long time before we can come up with the money to pay for it.

In the meantime, we are so lucky to have had the opportunity to see a little bit into the future and know that one day soon, Molly will be wearing her own snazzy BAHA headband !!


At 10:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats so greattt!! see you at the gym tomorrow come work out no lame pool haha i kidd :)



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